Tag Archives: cosmetic dentistry
Smile Design in All-On-4 : A Sneak Preview (Part 2)
November 15, 2012
In this article, we show a female patient with a failing dentition (Figure 1). Con- ventional implants, crowns and bridges would be difficult, very costly, time consuming and have no guarantee of long-term success due to the medium to poor prognosis of abutment teeth and the positions of the teeth relative to an ideal aestheticContinue Reading
Smile Design in All-On-4 : A Sneak Preview (Part 1)
Reconstruction of missing or failing dentitions with implants is an area that has been well-documented over many decades. There are now literally a plethora of implant systems and tech- niques for replacing single or multiple teeth from which to choose. The overall goal of natural-looking implant restorations, however, continues to be a challenge confronting dentistsContinue Reading